As a founder, you can’t build for everyone; here’s how we found out

The first step to building a product people want is to understand who those people are and what problems they face in the first place. This goes beyond knowing their age, location, and other attributes like where they school.


Aug 26, 2023

As a founder, you can’t build for everyone; here’s how we found out

Attempting to build for every founder on the face of the planet sent our marketing efforts all over the place and there was no synergy between our offering and how we were communicating through our copy. 

We discovered that one way to solve this problem was by building the ideal client profile.

This helped us to understand who we want to build solutions for; their dreams, frustrations, and fears. It has helped us talk to the right people, and provide the right value, the right content, and the right message. It has also made me realize that business is just like design. You need to identify a problem and know who you’re solving it for. Obsess about the problem rather than the solution. User Personas = Customer Profile. For any founder curious, here's how you can build one and also why you need it.

Why you need to build your ideal customer profile (ICP)1

There are many benefits to building your ideal customer profile, here are some of them.

  1. Becoming a specialist

When you narrow down your target audience, you’re able to find your niche. you're afforded the opportunity to become a true specialist. You become the go-to resource for a specific group. This specialization fosters deeper knowledge, which translates into valuable insights and advice that resonate with your chosen audience.

  1. Building trust 

By consistently delivering specialized content and solutions, you build trust within your niche community. When fintech SaaS founders in London with $1M MRR see that you understand their challenges and offer actionable insights, they're more likely to turn to you for guidance.

  1. Voice and Authority

Becoming a niche authority means your voice carries weight. Imagine establishing yourself as the foremost expert for fintech SaaS founders in London with substantial revenue. Your opinions and advice hold gravitas, which elevates your brand's perception and boosts your authority.


Consider two scenarios:

Scenario 1: General Approach You're targeting "all SaaS founders" worldwide. Your content covers a broad range of topics from marketing to product development to funding. While you might attract a diverse audience, your voice can get diluted amid the sea of general advice. Your brand struggles to stand out, and establishing authority becomes a daunting task.

Scenario 2: Niche Approach You focus solely on Fintech SaaS founders in London with $1M MRR. Your content addresses the specific challenges they face, such as compliance, scaling within the financial sector, and navigating London's startup ecosystem. As you consistently provide insights tailored to their unique situation, your brand garners attention. Other founders in this niche begin to rely on your expertise, and your brand authority flourishes.

In essence, while casting a wide net might seem like a logical way to attract a broader audience, it's often the targeted, niche-focused approach that yields real results. By channeling your efforts towards a specific group, such as Fintech SaaS founders in London with $1M MRR, you're more likely to resonate deeply, establish a powerful brand voice, and cement your authority within that niche.2. Finding Your NicheWhen it comes to optimizing for SEO, unlocking success lies in using the right keywords strategically. Crafting blog posts and content that resonate with your IDEAL customers can be a game-changer. As you embark on this journey, remember that, especially in your early stages, providing value should take precedence over overt marketing efforts.

Nurturing over Direct Marketing: Aiming your marketing efforts to the top 3% of people looking to use your solution can be difficult because every other similar solution out there is looking to sell to those top 3% of buyers. One way to stand out is to target the top 67% of customers who are currently in the problem-aware phase so nurturing relationships with them should overshadow aggressive marketing. Focus on building trust and rapport with your niche audience. Address their needs genuinely and consistently. This approach not only positions you as a valuable resource but also fosters lasting customer relationships.

In your startup's nascent phase, nurturing relationships and offering substantial value should be your priority. By targeting your IDEAL customers through precise keywords and tailored content, you lay the groundwork for a strong SEO foundation. As you provide solutions that resonate, your startup's authority and reputation within your niche flourish, positioning you for long-term success.

3. Cold Outreach

Contrary to what's commonly thought, customers still appreciate personalized outreach or cold emails that demonstrate three key things:

Understanding: When you show that you understand their needs, pain points, and goals, it creates a connection. This understanding is like a bridge that links their challenges with your solutions.

Education: Educating them about their problems and potential solutions establishes your expertise. Sharing valuable insights positions you as a valuable resource they can trust.

Problem Solving: When you highlight how your product or service can address their specific problem, it's a compelling solution. This helps them see how you can directly contribute to their success.

For instance, if you're reaching out to a Series C founder, focus on their concern for retention rather than acquiring new users. Tailor your message to showcase how your offering enhances retention strategies. This approach, when done right, can spark their interest and make your outreach meaningful.For any founder curious, here's a copy of our customer ideal profile you can use for your SaaS startup

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